Custom Leagues
If you wish to make a custom league then download these two files pilot database and glider database and edit them with a new column, for the gliders put in the multiplier they will recieve (ie 0 if they are not allowed, 1 for normal score) and for each pilot a 1 or 0 if they are allowed in the league or not, or alternatly the multiplier they should recieve. If you send them to me along with any additional things you would like in the league (including a name for the league) I will see what I can sort out. Once I have one custom league up and running I will attempt to create an admin interface so you can skip me out entirly and organise them yourself. If anyone has knowlage of a hg database with info on each glider I could allow you to create a "formula" from this info to create the glider handicaps automatically as well.