Revamped site is live!
The new site is here!
It has been a long time in the works but finally I have got it ready to release.
I have done tests on the all major browsers on PC but can't promise anything on Macs. let me know if there are any problems.
Here is a roundup on where has changed
- New design, still not great but a marked imporovement
- New track interface, see the "Show" button to the left of the maps? Well you can controll what appears on the map there, just display a flight or comp to use it.
- New competiton maker, should produce better results. Animations for Google Earth so you can view the flights as they were flown not just watch a marker move over a line.
- New "Add Flight" interface, should be less confusing than previous layouts.
- Improved algorithms behind the scenes will trim dead points from your flight more effectively, you should not see the "Choose track part" step uless you turned of your GPS mid flight or lost signal - in wich case we will still need to be involved to make sure the track is valid.
Everything else I have changed is behind the scenes so we can manage the site better.
Hope you enjoy it and have a good years flying
As an added bonus I've open sourced the code for the scoring. It's passable C. I'm open to any imporvements